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Display detection, HDMI, benchmarks

Detection of HDMI fails, Display benchmark has no options for the most basic things like resolution, framerate, acceleration etc. Mouse detection failed, online comparison failed. Dvd.cd benchmark showed no results. setup couldn't handle my resoltution of 1920x1080. Nice interace though and the info that was found was correct, see my review on GOTD for details.

whizzy, 22.09.2014, 13:45
Idea status: under consideration


UltimateSystems, 22.09.2014, 16:08
Thank you for your review.
What exactly did not work when you have tried to compare the benchmark online? (please try to shorted the display adapter description in the compare online dialog, for too long description it may cause an error on the website).
If we would make the 3D benchmark resolution changeable then you would not be able to compare with other usrs results, because everyone would run it at different resolutions. The resolution is set at 1024x768 in order to support all laptops, we will add 1920x1080 in the next version.
Whizzy, 23.09.2014, 13:21
Hi thanks for the reply. basically nothing happend. I click the button and expect a browser to pop up, however I see the hourglass for a second and nothing else happens. Now I found the problem though. It seems that it only works when Internet Explorer is set as default application for internet shortcuts and such. This would be nice if that could be changed because IE has way to much security holes and many people will have set chrome or firefox (chrome in my case) as default.

As far as the display benchmark goes, isn't that kind of the point with these kind of benchmarks? It is nice to know your little cgi is running at 223fps on my system but it is not very usefull to determine what my system is capable off in regards to high end videogames and/or graphical applications which is why I would use a benchmark for.

you might wanna take a look at your setup as well since this won't work on HD resolutions, had to set back from 1980x1080 to 1680x1050 before I could install. Not a biggie but it will drive less pc savvy people away from your program.

btw, if you want a Dutch translation for this I would not mind take a look at it ;)

for the rest, as said.. great program

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